Source code for typedpy.commons

import json
import sys
import builtins

from import Iterable, Mapping, Generator
from functools import reduce, wraps
from inspect import signature
from typing import Optional, Union

py_version = sys.version_info[0:2]
python_ver_36 = py_version == (3, 6)
python_ver_atleast_than_37 = py_version > (3, 6)
python_ver_atleast_39 = py_version >= (3, 9)
python_ver_atleast_310 = py_version >= (3, 10)

INDENT = " " * 4

builtins_types = [
    getattr(builtins, k)
    for k in dir(builtins)
    if isinstance(getattr(builtins, k), type)

class UndefinedMeta(type):
    def __bool__(cls):
        return False

class Undefined(metaclass=UndefinedMeta):

def wrap_val(v):
    return f"'{v}'" if isinstance(v, str) else v

def doublewrap_val(v):
    return f'"{v}"' if isinstance(v, str) else v

def _is_dunder(name):
    """Returns True if a __dunder__ name, False otherwise."""
    return (
        len(name) > 4
        and name[:2] == name[-2:] == "__"
        and name[2] != "_"
        and name[-3] != "_"

def _is_sunder(name):
    """Returns True if a _sunder name, False otherwise."""
    return len(name) > 2 and name[0] == "_" and name[1:2] != "_"

class InvalidStructureErr(ValueError, TypeError):

def raise_errs_if_needed(cls, errors):
    if errors:
        cls_name = cls.__name__
        messages = [f"{cls_name}.{e}" for e in errors]
        raise InvalidStructureErr(json.dumps(messages)) from errors[0]

def first_in(my_list: Iterable, ignore_none: bool = False) -> Optional:
    get the first in an Iterable (i.e. list, tuple, generator, dict, etc.).
    Optionally ignoring None values.

               The input iterable, such as a list
           ignore_none(bool): optional
               whether or not to ignore None values. Default is False

           The first value found in the input, or None if none found
    if ignore_none:
        return next(filter(None, iter(my_list)), None)
    return next(iter(my_list), None)

[docs]def nested(func, default=None): """ get a nested value if it exists, or return the given default if it doesn't Arguments: func(function): A function with no arguments that returns the nested value default: the default value, in case the nested value does not exist Returns: the nested attribute(s) or the default value. For example: For example: .. code-block:: python d = D(c=C(b=B(a=A(i=5)))) assert nested(lambda: d.c.b.a.i) == 5 = [1, 2, 3] assert nested(lambda:[100]) is None assert nested(lambda:[2]) == 3 """ try: return func() except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError, KeyError): return default
[docs]def flatten(iterable, ignore_none=False) -> list: """ Flatten an iterable completely, getting rid of None values Arguments: iterable(Iterable): the input ignore_none(bool): optional whether to skip None values or not. Default is False. Returns: A flattened list .. code-block:: python flatten( [ [[1]], [[2], 3, None, (5,)], [] ], ignore_none=True) == [1, 2, 3, 5] """ res = ( sum([flatten(x, ignore_none) for x in iterable], []) if isinstance(iterable, (list, tuple, Generator)) else [iterable] ) if isinstance(res, (list, tuple, Generator)) and ignore_none: return [x for x in res if x is not None] return res
[docs]def deep_get( dictionary, deep_key, default=None, do_flatten=False, *, enable_undefined=False ): """ Get a nested value from within a dictionary. Supports also nested lists, in which case the result is a a list of values Arguments: dictionary(dict): the input deep_key(str): nested key of the form aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd default: the default value, in case the path does not exist do_flatten(bool): optional flatten the outputs, in case the result is multiple outputs enable_undefined(bool): optional if set, then keys that are not in the dictionary return Undefined. otherwise, returns None for undefined keys. Default is False. Returns: the nested attribute(s) or the default value. For example: For example: .. code-block:: python example = {"a": {"b": [{"c": [None, {"d": [1]}]}, {"c": [None, {"d": [2]}, {"d": 3}]}, {"c": []}]}} assert deep_get(example, "a.b.c.d") == [[[1]], [[2], 3], []] assert deep_get(example, "a.b.c.d", do_flatten=True) == [1, 2, 3] """ def _get_next_level( d: Optional[Union[Mapping, Iterable]], key, default, *, enable_undefined ): if isinstance(d, Mapping): if enable_undefined and key not in d: return Undefined return d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, (list, tuple, Generator)): res = [ _get_next_level(r, key, default, enable_undefined=enable_undefined) for r in d if r is not None ] return res return default keys = deep_key.split(".") result = reduce( lambda d, key: _get_next_level( d, key, default, enable_undefined=enable_undefined ) if d else default, keys, dictionary, ) if isinstance(result, (list, tuple, Generator)) and do_flatten: result = flatten(result) return result
[docs]def default_factories(func): """ A function decorator that allows to have default values that are generators of the actual default values to be used. This is useful when the default values are mutable, like dicts or lists Arguments: iterable(Iterable): the input ignore_none(bool): optional whether to skip None values or not. Default is False. Returns: A flattened list For example: .. code-block:: python @default_factories def func(a, b = 0, c = list, d = dict): return a, b, c, d assert func(1) == 1, 0, [] , {} """ func_signature = signature(func, follow_wrapped=True) @wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): bound = func_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) for k, v in func_signature.parameters.items(): if k not in bound.arguments: default = ( v.default() if callable(v.default) and v.default != v.empty else v.default ) if v.default != v.empty: kwargs[k] = default return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated
class Constant: """ Mark a value as constant in a mapper. This is useful if an attribute did not exist in a previous version and you want to assign it to a default value in the more recent version. """ def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._val