Source code for typedpy.fields.decimal_number

from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation

from .serializable_field import SerializableField
from .numbers import Number

[docs]class DecimalNumber(Number, SerializableField): """ An extension of :class:`Number` for a Decimal. Accepts anything that can be converted to a Decimal. It converts the value to a Decimal. """ def __set__(self, instance, value): try: value = Decimal(value) except TypeError as ex: raise TypeError(f"{self._name}: {ex.args[0]}") from ex except InvalidOperation as ex: raise ValueError(f"{self._name}: {ex.args[0]}") from ex super().__set__(instance, value) def serialize(self, value): return float(value) def deserialize(self, value): return Decimal(value) @property def get_type(self): return Decimal