Source code for typedpy.fields.integers

from typedpy.structures import TypedField, ImmutableField

from .numbers import Number, Positive, Negative, NonPositive, NonNegative

[docs]class Integer(TypedField, Number): """ An extension of :class:`Number` for an integer. Accepts int """ _ty = int def _validate(self, value): super()._validate(value) Number._validate_static(self, value)
[docs]class PositiveInt(Integer, Positive): """ An combination of :class:`Integer` and :class:`Positive` """ pass
[docs]class NegativeInt(Integer, Negative): """ An combination of :class:`Integer` and :class:`Negative` """ pass
[docs]class NonPositiveInt(Integer, NonPositive): """ An combination of :class:`Integer` and :class:`NonPositive` """ pass
[docs]class NonNegativeInt(Integer, NonNegative): """ An combination of :class:`Integer` and :class:`NonNegative` """ pass
[docs]class ImmutableInteger(ImmutableField, Integer): """ An immutable version of :class:`Integer` """ pass