
The Basics - Usage

Typedpy allows to deserialize a JSON-like Python dict to an instance of a predefined Structure, as well serialize an instance of Structure to a JSON-like dict. The target class can have fields that are embedded structure or even class references.

See example below:

class SimpleStruct(Structure):
    name = String(pattern='[A-Za-z]+$', maxLength=8)

class Example(Structure):
    i = Integer(maximum=10)
    s = String(maxLength=5)
    array = Array[Integer(multiplesOf=5), Number]
    embedded = StructureReference(a1 = Integer(), a2=Float())
    simplestruct = SimpleStruct
    all = AllOf[Number, Integer]
    enum = Enum(values=[1,2,3])

def test_deserialization_and_serialization_with_many_types():
    source = {
        'i': 5,
        's': 'test',
        'array': [10, 7],
        'embedded': {
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        'simplestruct': {
            'name': 'danny'
        'all': 5,
        'enum': 3

    # Deserialization:
    example = deserialize_structure(Example, source)

    assert example == Example(
        i = 5,
        s = 'test',
        array = [10,7],
        embedded = {
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        simplestruct = SimpleStruct(name = 'danny'),
        all = 5,
        enum = 3

    # Serialization
    result = serialize(example)
    assert result==source

Though the above example does not show it, the deserializer also supports the following:

  • A field that can be anything, using the Field type Anything

  • All the built in collections are fully supported, for example: a = Array[Map[String, Integer]] is supported

  • AnyOf, OneOf, NotField, AllOf are fully supported, including embedded structures in them. For example, if you had a structure Foo, the following is supported: p = Set[AnyOf[Foo, Array[Foo], String]]

  • In case of an error in the input data, deserialize_structure() will raise an exception with the exact description of the problem.

To convert the result of serialize() to JSON, use:

json.dumps(schema, indent=4)

Serialization of a Structure to a JSON that is not an object

If the structure is effectively a wrapper around a single field, Typedpy allows to serialize directly to the JSON representing only that field, using the “compact” flag. For example:

class Foo(Structure):
    s = Array[AnyOf[String, Number]]
    _additional_properties = False

foo = Foo(s=['abcde', 234])
assert serialize(foo, compact=True)==['abcde', 234]
assert serialize(foo.s) == ['abcde', 234]

Deserialization of a non-object JSON to a Structure

If the JSON is not an object, and the target Structure is a single field wrapper, then Typedpy tries to deserialize directly to that field. For example:

class Foo(Structure):
    i = Integer
    _additional_properties = False

data = 5

example = deserialize_structure(Foo, data)
assert example.i == 5

Serialization/Deserialization of a Field


The best way to serialize an arbitrary Field is using the serialize_field() function. This function requires the first argument to be the Field definition (the Field definition has the information how to serialize).

However, in many common cases the original value has enough information for typedpy to know how to deserialize it. These cases include the trivial types (i.e. str, int, float, bool), Structures and Structure-References, as well the values for the following Typedpy fields: Array, Map, Enum. In such cases the serialize() function provides a simpler API.

For example:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer

class Bar(Structure):
    x = Float
    foos = Array[Foo]
    dt = DateTime

assert serialize_field(Bar.foos, bar.foos)[0]['a'] == 'a'
assert serialize_field(Array[Foo], bar.foos)[0]['a'] == 'a'

# Simpler:
assert serialize(bar.foos)[0]['a'] == 'a'

# However, this will raise an Exception. Typedpy does not know how to serialize it automatically
#  TypeError: serialize: Not a Structure or Field that with an obvious serialization


To deserialize a single field value directly, use deserialize_single_field() .

For example:

 class Foo(ImmutableStructure):
        a: String
        b: Optional[String]
        _ignore_none = True

res = deserialize_single_field(Array[Foo], [{"a": "x", "b": None}, {"a": "y", "b": "xyz"}])
assert res == [Foo(a="x"), Foo(a="y", b="xyz")]

Custom Serialization

Sometimes you might want to define your own serialization or deserialization of a field. For example: suppose you have a datetime object in one of the properties. You want to serialize/deserialize it using a custom format. For that, you can inherit from SerializableField

(for an alternative solution, see Custom mapping in the deserialization ) Example of custom deserialization:

class MySerializable(Field, SerializableField):
    def __init__(self, *args, some_param="xxx", **kwargs):
        self._some_param = some_param
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def deserialize(self, value):
        return {"mykey": "my custom deserialization: {}, {}".format(self._some_param, str(value))}

     def serialize(self, value):
        return 123

class Foo(Structure):
    d = Array[MySerializable(some_param="abcde")]
    i = Integer

deserialized = deserialize_structure(Foo, {'d': ["191204", "191205"], 'i': 3})

assert deserialized == Foo(i=3, d=[{'mykey': 'my custom deserialization: abcde, 191204'},
                                   {'mykey': 'my custom deserialization: abcde, 191205'}])

assert serialize(deserialized) == {'d': [123, 123], 'i': 3}

Limitations and Guidance

  • For Set, Tuple - deserialization expects an array, serialization converts to array (set and tuple are not part of JSON)

  • If you have a field that you want to assign as a blob, without any validation, use Anything . When seriaizing a property of type Anything, however, it is not guaranteed to work in all cases, since you can literaly asign it to anything without any validation, and Typedpy has no knowledge of what is supposed to be there. For example: suppose you assign some controller object to the property. Typedpy will allow it, since it is an Anything field, but has no idea how to serializa such an object.

  • If you create a completely new field type, that is not based on the predefined classes in Typedpy, it is not guaranteed to be supported. For example - if you define a custom field type using create_typed_field(), it is not supported

Custom mapping in the deserialization

What if there is no exact match between the serialized data and our Structure? Typedpy supports passing a custom mapper to the deserializer, so that the user can define how to deserialize each attribute. The mapper is a dictionary, in which the key is the attribute name, and the value can be either a key in the source dict, or a FunctionCall (a function and a list of keys in the source dict that are passed to the function).

  • When the mapping is from source key to attribute, nested keys are supported as well, using dot notation (i.e. “xxx.yyy.zzz”).

  • When the mapping is using a function call, the provided function is expected to return the value that will be used as the input of the deserialization.

  • To determine mapping for an embedded field/structure, use the notation: “<field name>._mapper”. See example below.

An example can demonstrate the usage:

class Foo(Structure):
    m = Map
    s = String
    i = Integer

mapper = {
    "m": "a.b",
    "s": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: f'the string is {x}', args=['name.first']),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=operator.add, args=['i', 'j'])

foo = deserialize_structure(Foo,
                                'a': {'b': {'x': 1, 'y': 2}},
                                'name': {'first': 'Joe', 'last': 'smith'},
                                'i': 3,
                                'j': 4
# keep_undefined=False ensures it does not also create attributes a, name, j in the deserialized instance
assert foo == Foo(i=7, m={'x': 1, 'y': 2}, s='the string is Joe')

An example of mapping of a field item within a list:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer

class Bar(Structure):
    wrapped = Array[Foo]

mapper = {'wrapped._mapper': {'a': 'aaa', 'i': 'iii'}, 'wrapped': 'other'}
deserializer = Deserializer(target_class=Bar, mapper=mapper)
deserialized = deserializer.deserialize(
        'other': [
            {'aaa': 'string1', 'iii': 1},
            {'aaa': 'string2', 'iii': 2}

assert deserialized == Bar(wrapped=[Foo(a='string1', i=1), Foo(a='string2', i=2)])

An example of nested mapping:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer
    s = StructureReference(st=String, arr=Array)

mapper = {
    'a': 'aaa',
    'i': 'iii',
    's._mapper': {"arr": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x * 3, args=['xxx'])}
deserializer = Deserializer(target_class=Foo, mapper=mapper)
deserialized = deserializer.deserialize({
        'aaa': 'string',
        'iii': 1,
        's': {'st': 'string', 'xxx': [1, 2, 3]}},

assert deserialized == Foo(a='string', i=1, s={'st': 'string', 'arr': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]})

Custom mapping in the serialization

Similarly, you can provide a mapper when serializing. This mapper is a bit different - to define a nested mapping, it uses the key of the form “field-name._mapper”. It supports nested fields as long as they are not in a Map. A simple example of changing the field name:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer

foo = Foo(a='string', i=1)
mapper = {'a': 'aaa', 'i': 'iii'}
assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'aaa': 'string', 'iii': 1}

An simple example of transformation:

def my_func(): pass

class Foo(Structure):
    function = Function
    i = Integer

foo = Foo(function=my_func, i=1)
mapper = {
    'function': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: f.__name__),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x + 5)
assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'function': 'my_func', 'i': 6}

An example of nested mapping in an array field:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer

class Bar(Structure):
    wrapped = Array[Foo]

bar = Bar(wrapped=[Foo(a='string1', i=1), Foo(a='string2', i=2)])
mapper = {'wrapped._mapper': {'a': 'aaa', 'i': 'iii'}, 'wrapped': 'other'}
assert serialize(bar, mapper=mapper) ==
       {'other': [{'aaa': 'string1', 'iii': 1}, {'aaa': 'string2', 'iii': 2}]}

An example of a deep nested mapper:

class Foo(Structure):
      a = String
      i = Integer

  class Bar(Structure):
      foo = Foo
      array = Array

  class Example(Structure):
      bar = Bar
      number = Integer

  example = Example(number=1,
                    bar=Bar(foo=Foo(a="string", i=5), array=[1, 2])
  # our mapper doubles the value of the field  bar->foo->i
  mapper = {'bar._mapper': {'foo._mapper': {"i": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x * 2)}}}
  serialized = serialize(example, mapper=mapper)
  assert serialized == \
             "number": 1,
                     "foo": {
                         "a": "string",
                         "i": 10  #   result of mapping: 5*2
                     "array": [1, 2]

Custom Mappers as Part of the Class Definitions

using “_serialization_mapper” and “_deserialization_mappers” allow to define custom mappers within the class definition. These will also aggregate through inheritance. In case the serialization and deserialization mappers are the same, just use “_serialization_mapper”. If they differ, for example: if you use a functional transformation in the serialization and need to apply the opposite function when deserializing, use also “_deserialization_mapper”.

You can also apply multiple mappers serially, as the example below:

For example:

class Foo(Structure):
    a: int
    s: str

    _serialization_mapper = [{"a": "b"}, mappers.TO_LOWERCASE]

original = {"B": 5, "S": "xyz"}
deserialized = Deserializer(target_class=Foo).deserialize(original, keep_undefined=False)
assert deserialized == Foo(a=5, s="xyz")
serialized = Serializer(deserialized).serialize()
assert serialized == original

Another, more involved mapping:

class Foo(Structure):
    xyz: Array
    i: int
    _serialization_mapper = {"i": "j"}

class Bar(Foo):
    a: Array

    _serialization_mapper = mappers.TO_LOWERCASE

class Blah(Bar):
    s: str
    foo: Foo
    _serialization_mapper = {}
    _deserialization_mapper = {"S": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x * 2)}

original = {
    "S": "abc",
    "FOO": {
        "XYZ": [1, 2],
        "J": 5
    "A": [7, 6, 5, 4],
    "XYZ": [1, 4],
    "J": 9
deserialized = Deserializer(target_class=Blah).deserialize(original, keep_undefined=False)
assert deserialized == Blah(
    foo=Foo(i=5, xyz=[1, 2]),
    xyz=[1, 4],
    a=[7, 6, 5, 4]
serialized = Serializer(deserialized).serialize()

# Note, Typedpy will not magically reverse your custom mapping function, and
# is limited when combining function and key transformation,
# thus the "S" field below.
assert serialized == {**original, "S": "abcabc"}

Strict Serialization and Deserialization API

Starting at version 0.70, Typedpy provides a strict API, aligned with the principles of Typedpy. This API uses Typedpy classes for serializer and deserializer. It is easier to understand, and catches obvious errors in the mapper early. This is the preferable API to use. There are 2 classes provided: Serializer and Deserializer. The Serializer class accepts the instance of the structure to be serialized, while the Deserializer accepts the target Structure class to be deserialized to. Both the Deserializer and Serializer accept an optional mapper. The mapper works similarly to the one described above but it is a strict Typedpy Field, and the classes are self validating, so that it is impossible to have an instance which is obviously invalid. See below for the documentation of the Classes

There are plenty of examples for usage here: Serialization examples - Deserialization examples -

Examples of invalid definitions that are caught immediately:

class Foo(Structure):
    f = Float
    i = Integer

foo_instance = Foo(f=5.5, i=999)
# we define a mapper that has an invalid argument 'x', since 'x' is not an attribute of Foo.
mapper = {
    'f': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: [int(f)], args=['i', 'x']),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: str(x), args=['f'])

# the following will raise a ValueError: "Mapper[f] has a function call with an invalid argument: x"
Serializer(foo, mapper=mapper)

class Bar(Structure):
    m = Map
    s = String
    i = Integer

#this is an invalid mapper, since the key "xyz" is not an attribute in Bar
mapper = {
    "xyz": "a.b",
    "s": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: f'the string is {x}', args=['name.first']),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=operator.add, args=['i', 'j'])

# the following will raise a ValueError: Invalid key in mapper for class Bar: xyz
Deserializer(target_class=Bar, mapper=mapper)

# the following will raise a TypeError, since the Mapper types are wrong
Deserializer(target_class=Bar, mapper= {'s': [1,2,3] })

Here is a valid usage example, referring to the same Bar class defined in the previous example:

mapper = {
    "m": "a.b",
    "s": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: f'the string is {x}', args=['name.first']),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=operator.add, args=['i', 'j'])

deserializer = Deserializer(target_class=Bar, mapper=mapper)

bar = deserializer.deserialize({
        'a': {'b': {'x': 1, 'y': 2}},
        'name': {'first': 'Joe', 'last': 'smith'},
        'i': 3,
        'j': 4
    }, keep_undefined=False)

assert bar == Bar(i=7, m={'x': 1, 'y': 2}, s='the string is Joe')


Deserialization From Trusted Data

If we are serializing to a “simple” Structure, you can bypass Typedpy’s sophisticated dynamic serialization and instantiation, and directly create an instance of the wanted class. This is useful when you are confident the data passed is valid, and performance is paramount.

The definition of a “simple” Structure, in this context, is: * Serialization mapper, if exists, has the following limitations: #. does not include function transformations or direct nested transformation (no key._mapper in the dictionary). #. mappings only change key name to another name. No functions. #. has a single transformation per class - ie. no lists of chained mappers. #. In case of nested structure, does not rely on mappers to be automatically applied from high-level classes

to low level nested classes. Instead, Each class is required to have its own mapper, if it requires one.

  • Fields can mapped directly to Json: None, str, int, float, bool, and lists/sets of one of those, OR

  • Field of type DateField, DateTime, TimeField and any type that implements SerializableField.

  • The only nested collection fields allowed are list,set(i.e. Typedpy’s Array, Set) - no Tuple or Map

  • No set of sets, list of lists, set of lists etc.

  • Any nested structure is also “simple”

  • Enum fields are supported

The gain in performance is typically ~x13.

class Policy(ImmutableStructure):
    soft_limit: PositiveInt
    hard_limit: PositiveInt
    time_days: Optional[PositiveInt]
    codes: Array[int]

    _serialization_mapper = mappers.TO_CAMELCASE

serialized = {
    "softLimit": 5,
    "hardLimit": 10,
    "timeDays": 2,
    "codes": [33,44,55],

# This will be executed much faster than a typical Typedpy deserialization
policy = deserializer.deserialize(input_data=serialized, direct_trusted_mapping=True)

Note that deserializing this way bypasses any serialization mapper of the Structure. Also, if the Structure is not “Simple” (as described above), the flat “direct_trusted_mapping” has no effect.

To check if your deserialization used trusted deserialization, do the following:

policy = Deserializer(Policy).deserialize(input_data=serialized, direct_trusted_mapping=True)

assert policy.used_trusted_instantiation()

Or, if you want to assert in advance, before doing any deserialization:


I recommend doing the latter as a unit test, to ensure no one updates the Structure or any nested Structure and breaks trusted deserialization compatibility.

Warning: In case a one of the fields is a list, using trusted deserialization, Typedpy optimizes for speed, so you lose the protection and validation for nested values in the list (in case you have an immutable structure). In other words, typedpy does not block you from doing “my_struct.my_list[5] = 123”, even if this is an immutable structure, or “123” is an invalid value. So ideally, you should not update structures that were created from trusted data. If you don’t want to lose the safety of Typepy for lists, at the expense of speed, set:

TypedPyDefaults.safe_trusted_instantiation = True


Serializer and deserializers can be used with mappers to transform one dictionary to another, or one Structure to another.

Here is a contrived example:

class Foo(Structure):
    f = Float
    i = Integer

class Bar(Structure):
    numbers = Array[Integer]
    s = String

def transform_foo_to_bar(foo: Foo) -> Bar:
    mapper = {
        'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: [int(f)], args=['i']),
        'f': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: str(x), args=['f'])
    deserializer = Deserializer(target_class=Bar, {'numbers': 'i', 's': 'f'})
    serializer = Serializer(source=foo, mapper=mapper)

    return deserializer.deserialize(serializer.serialize(), keep_undefined=False)

assert transform_foo_to_bar(Foo(f=5.5, i=999)) == Bar(numbers=[999], s='5.5')

Be aware that this is not a performant approach. Avoid it if speed is a major concern.

Deserialization Using a Discriminator Field

Sometimes we want to determine to which Structure we deserialize to, based on a discriminator field in the input. This is supported in Typedpy. Consider the following:

class Foo(Structure):
    i: int

class Foo1(Foo):
    a: str

class Foo2(Foo):
    a: int

class Bar(Structure):
    t: str
    f: Array[Integer]
    foo: Foo

    _serialization_mapper = {
        "t": "type",
        "foo": FunctionCall(func=deserializer_by_discriminator({
            "1": Foo1,
            "2": Foo2,
            args=["type", ""])

 serialized = {
        "type": "1",
        "f": [1, 2, 3],
        "x": {
            "foo": {
                "a": "xyz",
                "i": 9
    deserialized = Deserializer(target_class=Bar).deserialize(serialized, keep_undefined=False)
    assert deserialized == Bar(t="1", f=[1, 2, 3], foo=Foo1(a="xyz", i=9))

Here, we determine how to deserialize the content of serialized[“x”][“foo”], based on the value of “type”. The function factory “deserializer_by_discriminator” is included in Typedpy, and creates deserialization function. As can be seen in the example, the first parameter to it is the discriminator key, and the second is the key of the content to be serialized.

  • New in 2.4.5

Predefined Mappers

There are three predefined mappers: * TO_CAMELCASE - convert between python snake-case and the more common naming in JSON, of camel-case * TO_LOWERCASE - convert between field names in lower case, and the serialized representation in upper case (common in configuration) * CONFIGURATION - automatically converts string value to integers if applicable. The use case for this is getting configuration

objects from environment variable, which are always strings.

An example:

from typedpy import mappers

class Bar(Structure):
    i: int
    f: float

class Foo(Structure):
    abc: str
    xxx_yyy: str
    bar: Bar

    _serialization_mapper = mappers.TO_LOWERCASE

foo = deserialize_structure(Foo, {'ABC': 'aaa', 'XXX_YYY': 'bbb', 'BAR': {'I': 1, 'F': 1.5}})
assert foo == Foo(abc='aaa', xxx_yyy='bbb', bar=Bar(i=1, f=1.5))

Example for configuration mapper:

class Foo(ImmutableStructure):
    a: int
    s: str

    _serialization_mapper = [mappers.CONFIGURATION, mappers.TO_LOWERCASE ]

deserialized = Deserializer(Foo).deserialize({"A": "123", "S": "xxx"})
assert deserialized == Foo(a=123, s="xxx")

Note: The order of the mappers in the above example matters.

Ignoring Fields When Serializing

(since version 2.6.10) Certain fields can be marked as DoNotSerialize. This would result in them not being serialized. For example:

class Foo(Structure):
     a: int
     s: str

     _serialization_mapper = [{"a": DoNotSerialize}]

 assert Serializer(Foo(a=5, s="xyz")).serialize() == {"s": "xyz"}

As can be seen above, the “s” field is not serialized.

Chaining Mappers

Typedpy also allows chaining of serialization mappers. If you define _serialization_mapper as a list, the mappers will be applied in order, and aggregate through inheritance. For example:

class Foo(Structure):
    i: int
    s: str
    _serialization_mapper = {"i": "j", "s": "name"}

class Bar(Foo):
    a: Array

    _serialization_mapper = [{"j": DoNotSerialize}, mappers.TO_LOWERCASE]
    _deserialization_mapper = [mappers.TO_LOWERCASE]

deserialized = Deserializer(target_class=Bar).deserialize(
    {"J": 5, "A": [1, 2, 3], "NAME": "jon"}, keep_undefined=False
assert deserialized == Bar(i=5, a=[1, 2, 3], s="jon")
assert Serializer(deserialized).serialize() == {"NAME": "jon", "A": [1, 2, 3]}

In the example above, the deseriazation mapper of Bar chains the one Foo and TO_LOWERCASE. The order of the mappers is based on the MRO (inherited classes first). If we follow the serialization mapper chaining for the “i” field, we see the stages:

  1. i -> j

  2. j -> don’t serialize

  3. to uppercase - but this has no impact because of (2)

Conversely, the “s” field:

  1. s -> name

  2. no impact

  3. name -> NAME

Serializing Additional Values Beyond Fields

(from v2.9)

In certain cases, you might want to serialize Typepy structures so that the result includes other values in addition to fields. For example, you may have a “Purchase” Structure class with all the line-items of the purchase and their price, and also a calculated Python property of the total_amount that you want to include in the serialization.

For such cases, you can override the method Structure._additional_serialization().

This method returns a dict of additional values to be serialized. Each value is an expression or a function that does not accept any parameters. Here is a fairly comprehensive example from the unit tests:

class Foo(Structure):
    a: int
    s: str
    x = 1

    def double_a(self):
        return self.a * 2

    _serialization_mapper = [{"a": "b"}, mappers.TO_LOWERCASE]

    def _additional_serialization(self) -> dict:
        return {
            "double_a": self.double_a,   # a method (e.g. be a @property)
            "x": self.x,
            "triple_a": self.a * 3,     # an expression
            "y": [1, 2, 3],
            "z": lambda: Foo.x + self.a  # a function with no arguments

foo = Foo(a=5, s="xyz")
serialized = Serializer(foo).serialize()
assert serialized == {
    "B": 5,
    "S": "xyz",
    "double_a": 10,
    "x": 1,
    "triple_a": 15,
    "y": [1, 2, 3],
    "z": 6

As seen in the example, the “additional serialization” is applied as the last step, after the serialization mappers were already applied. In other words, the serialization mappers do not apply to the “additional serialization”.

Adding Type Of Class To Serialization

If you have a base class, such as Employee, and several classes that extend it, you might need to serialize a list of Employees, adding to each employee its type. You could set this value explicitly, but this seems like boilerplate code and error-prone.

Typedpy provides a small mixin to deal with this use-case: HasTypes. It adds to the serialized representation a “type” attribute, with the name of the subclass.

To illustrate the usage, examine the following snippet:

class Employee(Structure, HasTypes):
     name: str

 class Engineer(Employee):

 class Sales(Employee):

 class Marketer(Employee):

 class Firm(Structure):
     employees: Array[Employee]

 firm = Firm(employees=[

 assert Serializer(firm).serialize() == {
     "employees": [
         {"type": "engineer", "name": "john"},
         {"type": "marketer", "name": "rob"},
         {"type": "sales", "name": "joe"},

Force a Field To Be Set As A Constant During Deserialization

(new in 2.13.0) Imagine a use-case in which you have an abstract base class “Car”, and several cars that inherit from it. One of the fields you might want to have is “maker”:

class Car(AbstractStructure):
    maker: str

class SubaruOutback(Car):

class AcuraMVX(Car):

When you deserialize SubaruOutback or AcuraMVX, you should set the “maker” explicitly to a predefined value. Typedpy supports it, by defining “Constant” in the serialization mapper (similar to Version Mapping). See below:

class SubaruOutback(Car):

    _deserialization_mapper = {"maker": Constant("Subaru")}

class AcuraMVX(Car):

    _deserialization_mapper = {"maker": Constant("Acura")}

This means that the field “maker” will ignore the input to the deserializer, and always set to the value defined in the mapper.

Enums Serialization/Deserialization

Consider the example:

class Foo(enum.Enum):
     A = 1
     B = 2
     C = 3

 class Bar(Structure):
     e: Enum[Foo]
     e_value: Enum(values=Foo, serialization_by_value=True)

     _required = []

 assert Serializer(Bar(e_value=Foo.A)).serialize() == {"e_value": 1}
 assert Serializer(Bar(e=Foo.A)).serialize() == {"e": "A"}

By default, an enum field is serialized to a string with the name of the enum entry. This is why when we serialized “e” in the example above, the resulting value is “A”. Serialization by the value of the enum is achieved by setting the serialization_by_value flag, as in the field “e_value” above.

The same is true for deserialization.

Fast Serialization

Typedpy offers a significantly faster version of serialization. Using internal profiling it is roughly 4-5 times faster.

However, it requires more setup. First, you need to mark the Structure class by FastSerializable.

Then, tell Typedpy to implement an optimized serializer, by calling create_serializer(<your class>). For example:

from typedpy import Structure, FastSerializable, Integer, create_serializer, mappers

class Foo(Structure, FastSerializable):
    a: list[Integer(max=5)]
    b: str
    _required = []
    _serialization_mapper = mappers.TO_LOWERCASE

# optional: if you want to create the serializer before Foo is used.
# Otherwise, it creates the serializer on the first instantiation

foo = Foo(a=[1, 5])
serialized = foo.serialize()
assert serialized = {"A": [1, 5], "b": None}

In case you implement your own custom Field classes, they can include a custom serialize(value) method. Fast serialization can be used for the vast majority of the cases, including serialization mappers, but does not support the following:

  1. Nested mappers. I.E: a mapper that looks like {“foo._mapper”: {….}}”

  2. Function mappers

  3. Serialize class type automatically - ie. HasTypes

  4. Serialize attributes that are not Typedpy fields

  5. providing custom mappers when calling serialize()


  1. All Structures in the hierarchy implement FastSerializable. Typically this is done by calling create_serializer, or or automatically, during first instantiation/serialization.

#. No field of type AnyOf(i.e. Union) with the exception of typing.Optional. # No field of type OneOf. #. Any custom Field classes should implement the serialize() method. #. All mappers must be in the definition of the Structures. #. No mapper to Typedpy Constant in custom serialization mapper of the class

Instead of support of the “compact” flag in the serialize() call, you provide it to create_serializer(). For example:

class Foo(Structure, FastSerializable):
    s = Array[AnyOf[String, Number]]
    _additionalProperties = False

create_serializer(Foo, compact=True)

foo = Foo(s=["abcde", 234])
assert foo.serialize() == ["abcde", 234]

To control whether or not None values are serialized, use the optional flag “serialize_none” when creating the serializer, as such:

create_serializer(Foo, serialize_none = True)

A few additional details: In case a FastSerializable class is serialized and no call to create_serializer() was made before, Typedpy attempts to create the serializer automatically on the first serialization for an instance of this class. If the class is a valid FastSerializable, it will use fast serialization. Otherwise it uses the standard (i.e. slow) serialization.


In Typedpy 2.3 fast serialization will be the default mode of operation, without the need to declare it. This means that by default, Typedpy will attempt to create a custom serializer for any Structure as needed and use it in all consecutive calls to serialize instances of this Structure. Only in case this Structure is incompatible with Fast Serialization, Typedpy will use the dynamically-resolved serialization, which is slow. FastSerializable class will still exist for a while for backward compatibility, but will be unnecessary, since all Structures will be serialized fast by default.


(starting at version 0.70)

class FunctionCall(func, args=None, **kwargs)[source]

Structure that represents a function call for the purpose of serialization mappers: Includes the function to be called, and a list of keys of positional string arguments. This is not a generic function call.


the function to be called.

args(Array[String]): optional

the keys of the arguments to be used as positional arguments for the function call

class Serializer(source, mapper=None, **kwargs)[source]

A high level API for a serializer: from an instance of Structure, to something that can be sent as a Json(usually a dict). The advantage of this over the lower level function is that it is more explicit andself-validating. In other words, it prevents the user from creating an invalid mapper.


An instance of Structure that this serializer is build for. Example:

class Foo(Structure):
    i = Integer
    f = Float

foo = Foo(f=5.5, i=999)
mapper(dict): optional

The key is the target key name. The value can either be a path of the value in the source object using dot notation, for example: “aaa.bbb”, or a FunctionCall. In the latter case, the function is the used to preprocess the input prior to deserialization/validation. The args attribute in the function call is optional. If non provided, the input to the function is the attribute with the same key. Otherwise it is the names of the attributes in the input that are injected to the provided function. See working examples in the tests link above. This class will ensure that the mapper is a valid one for its target_class. Example:

class Foo(Structure):
    f = Float
    i = Integer

foo = Foo(f=5.5, i=999)
mapper = {
    'output_floats': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: [int(f)], args=['i']),
    'output_int': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: str(x), args=['f'])
assert Serializer(source=foo, mapper=mapper).serialize() == {
     'output_floats': [999],
     'output_int': '5.5'
class Deserializer(target_class, mapper=None, use_strict_mapping=None, camel_case_convert=None, **kwargs)[source]

A high level API for a deserializer: from a dict or anything else that could be sent as a JSON, to a Structure. The advantage of this over the lower level function is that it is more explicit and self-validating. In other words, it prevents the user from creating an invalid mapper.


A class extending the abstract Structure that this deserializer is build for. Example:

 class Foo(Structure):
     id = Integer
     name = String

mapper(dict): optional

The key is the target attribute name. The value can either be a path of the value in the source dict using dot notation, for example: “aaa.bbb”, or a FunctionCall. In the latter case, the function is the used to preprocess the input prior to deserialization/validation. The args attribute in the function call is optional. If non provided, the input to the function is the value with the same key. Otherwise it is the keys of the values in the input that are injected to the provided function. See working examples in the tests link above. This class will ensure that the mapper is a valid one for its target_class. Example:

 class Foo(Structure):
    m = Map
    s = String
    i = Integer

mapper = {
    "m": "a.b",
    "s": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: f'the string is {x}', args=['name.first']),
    'i': FunctionCall(func=operator.add, args=['i', 'j'])
Deserializer(target_class=Foo, mapper = mapper).deserializer(the_input_dict)
camel_case_convert(bool): Optional

If true, will convert any camelCase key that does not have explicit mapping to a snake_case attribute name. Default is False.

use_strict_mapping(bool): Optional

If true, if a field is mapped to a different key name, then deserialization will never use the key that matches the original field name for that field. i.e.:

 class Foo(Structure):
     a: int
     _serialization_mapper = {"a": "b"}

 # This raises an exception
Deserializer(Foo, use_strict_mapping=True).deserialize({"a": 5})
class HasTypes[source]

A mixin that can be added to a base-class Structure. It adds to the serialization of any instance of a subclass, its type. Since version 2.12.1.


deserialize_structure(cls, the_dict, *, use_strict_mapping=False, mapper=None, keep_undefined=True, camel_case_convert=False, direct_trusted_mapping=False)[source]

Deserialize a dict to a Structure instance, Jackson style. See working examples in test.


The target class


the source dictionary

use_strict_mapping(bool): Optional

If True, in case a mapper maps field “x” to a key “y” in the input, will not use key “x” in the input event if value for “y” does not exist. Default is False.

mapper(dict): optional

the key is the target attribute name. The value can either be a path of the value in the source dict using dot notation, for example: “aaa.bbb”, or a FunctionCall. In the latter case, the function is the used to preprocess the input prior to deserialization/validation. The args attribute in the function call is optional. If non provided, the input to the function is the value with the same key. Otherwise it is the keys of the values in the input that are injected to the provided function. See working examples in the tests link above.

keep_undefined(bool): optional

should it create attributes for keys that don’t appear in the class? default is True.


an instance of the provided Structure deserialized

deserialize_single_field(field, source_val, name='value', *, mapper=None, keep_undefined=True, camel_case_convert=False, ignore_none=False)[source]

Deserialize a field directly, without the need to define a Structure class. Note the top level must be a python dict - which implies that a JSON of


The field definition. For example: String, Array[Map[str, Foo]], AnyOf[Foo, Bar]


the serialized value to be deserialized


name to be used for the field in case of raised exceptions

mapper(dict): optional

A Typedpy deserialization mapper

keep_undefined(bool): optional

should it create attributes for keys that don’t appear in the class? default is True.


a deserialized version of the data if successful, or raises an appropriate exception

serialize(value, *, mapper: Dict = None, compact=None, camel_case_convert=False)[source]

Serialize an instance of Structure to a JSON-like dict.

value(Structure or a field value with an obvious serialization):

The value to be serialized - a structure instance, or a field value for which typedpy can deduce the serialization. In the general case, if you just need to serialize a field value, it’s better to use serialize_field().

mapper(dict): optional

a dictionary where the key is the name of the attribute in the structure, and the value is name of the key to map its value to, or a FunctionCall where the function is the transformation, and the args are a list of attributes that are arguments to the function. if args is empty it function transform the current attribute.


whether to use a compact form for Structure that is a simple wrapper of a field. for example: if a Structure has only one field of an int, if compact is True it will serialize the structure as an int instead of a dictionary


a serialized Python object that can be directly converted to JSON :param compact: in case there is a single attribute, it does not wrap it with a dictionary :param structure: an instance of Structure :param mapper: a dict with the new key, by the attribute name

serialize_field(field_definition: Field, value, camel_case_convert=False)[source]

Serialize a specific Field from a structure to a JSON-like dict. Example:

class Foo(Structure):
    a = String
    i = Integer

class Bar(Structure):
    x = Float
    foos = Array[Foo]

bar = Bar(x=0.5, foos=[Foo(a='a', i=5), Foo(a='b', i=1)])
assert serialize_field(Bar.foos, bar.foos)[0]['a'] == 'a'

the field definition


the value of the field to deserialize


a serialized Python object that can be directly converted to JSON